The Business Map shows you how to:
Select Your Most Profitable Niche
There is an old saying that the riches are in the niches — yet this is the #1 piece that trips people up, mostly because they’re afraid: to decide, to get too specific and miss out on sales, to choose the WRONG niche. I’ll help you conquer those fears and feel confident you’re talking to the right folks (i.e., people you love working with, who want to pay you!).
Map Out Your Best
Content Strategy
Creating content feels SO hard to most people because we’re doing it all wrong. I’ll show you how to systematically map your content to what you are ultimately planning to sell – so you attract the right people, and make content creation feel less like “my term paper is due!” and more like “I’m having authentic conversations that lead to sales.”
Build a List of
To be successful online, you need an email list of people who love hearing from you and want to buy from you, period. (Yes, more than you need a huge social media following!) Creating a “lead magnet” (a free piece of content, targeted to your ideal customer) is the fastest way to build that list. You will learn how to craft this high-converting freebie.