In 2010 I started a simple blog.
I never dreamed it would grow
into a 7-figure business.

Yet today, I run a globally-recognized brand in the early childhood education space. Now, I am offering you a rare opportunity to work with me personally and learn how to build your own highly successful online business.

You can do this no matter where you’re starting from — even if you have no clue about online business, tech, or social media. I’ve got you! And you’ve got this.


I earned my first $10,000 while I was still teaching full time.

And let me tell you, it didn’t happen overnight! I worked in the classroom and spent a little time every week building my business.

I wish I’d had the Business Map I’m offering you now. It would have made my journey SO much easier – and probably a lot quicker, too.

Despite the “overnight success” stories you hear, there are a number of components you need to earn enough to work full-time from your computer.

I will show you exactly what they are and how to put them together in the right order, so you can create a profitable business of your own that makes a huge difference in others’ lives.

There are two things I know for sure. The first is that when you have the right guidance, you can shorten your learning curve drastically. The second? There is no better time than NOW to start.

I’ve designed this course to be a clear path that anyone can follow.

I’ll give you a bird’s eye view of what’s involved in owning an online business, and then we’ll swoop down and look at the details. You’ll get the big road map – AND I’ll guide you simply in what action steps to take right now. 

It takes time, patience, and consistency to build a successful business. It’s not that complex – but success does come down to a key set of sequential steps you need to take. 

I see far too many people pasting together a bunch of different strategies, and I want to save you the time, money, and frustration that goes into trying to “guess” your way to success.

"Sally, the way you've laid out this course is brilliant! What you shared about choosing your niche alone is worth the investment. I've never come to this kind of clarity about how my potential customers see me and my business. Now, I have the exact language I need to reach into their hearts and connect with them on a deep level. I'm already using it in the proposal I'm writing for a new client. Absolute GOLD."
Helen H.

The Business Map shows you how to:


Select Your Most Profitable Niche

There is an old saying that the riches are in the niches — yet this is the #1 piece that trips people up, mostly because they’re afraid: to decide, to get too specific and miss out on sales, to choose the WRONG niche. I’ll help you conquer those fears and feel confident you’re talking to the right folks (i.e., people you love working with, who want to pay you!).


Map Out Your Best
Content Strategy

Creating content feels SO hard to most people because we’re doing it all wrong. I’ll show you how to systematically map your content to what you are ultimately planning to sell – so you attract the right people, and make content creation feel less like “my term paper is due!” and more like “I’m having authentic conversations that lead to sales.”


Build a List of

To be successful online, you need an email list of people who love hearing from you and want to buy from you, period. (Yes, more than you need a huge social media following!) Creating a “lead magnet” (a free piece of content, targeted to your ideal customer) is the fastest way to build that list. You will learn how to craft this high-converting freebie.

The secret is in my simple mapping process:

There's never been a better time to start or grow your online business. Since the pandemic,  everyone is online – and the market is only going to grow bigger over the next several years! That's the good news. The bad news is that the online space is FULL of noise and hype. 

So, to keep you focused, clear, and acting on what you learn, I've laid out my own process for success – not just online, but in any business – into a simple, easy-to-implement map. You will go through the lessons and simply plug your own brilliance into each section, compiling a business that works: for you, for your customers, and for the kind of impact and life you want to create for yourself.

Here’s everything you'll discover inside The Business Map:

👉🏼 You will define your business's True North – which will serve as a powerful navigational tool for you AND help you communicate your one-of-a-kind value to others, so you can stand out and be seen for what you uniquely offer.

👉🏼 You will build Your Vehicle – a content system that ensures your message is focused and effective, AND help you streamline your content “to-do” list to include only what matters for your success. I’ll even tell you where the best places are to share your message, and which to ignore for now, so you don’t spend your life posting on every social media platform, only to hear crickets.

👉🏼 You will juice up the engine with Your Fuel – an intentionally-designed lead magnet (i.e, free content) that is not only highly attractive, but that converts subscribers into eventual buyers, so you can leave behind overwhelm, indecision, and guesswork, and start creating content that actually helps you make money in your business.

👉🏼 You will design Your Itinerary – a solid content map and social media strategy that provides a clear path to getting from where you are now, to growing an interested, engaged, highly qualified audience of prospects – people who will actually buy from you – and creating a thriving online business.

You’ll also leave this course understanding all the “internet speak” about making money – both what’s real and what’s hype. It took me FOREVER to grasp it all. I’m here to save you loads of time and confusion!

Only $997 $397 until July 19, 2024

Your journey through The Business Map:

Module One: TRUE NORTH

Your first lesson provides an overview of the 4-stage process that will guide the design and implementation of your online business.

There is an old saying that the riches are in the niches. Clarity at this level is essential for online success.

 In this session we are going to laser focus on these crucial intentions of your business, so you can stand out and attract an audience.

You’ll leave this lesson knowing:

  • What, specifically, is your super power that people need.
  • How your wisdom and experience can transform the lives of others.

In this lesson, you’ll discover:

  • How to communicate your unique value to others.
  • Define what you are going to deliver to solve the pain of your ideal customers


I'll walk you through the process of developing a strong brand presence that is uniquely yours, and a voice that is unmistakable in a sea of messages online. This will position you as a one-of-a-kind solution provider to those whom you're most meant to serve.

In this lesson you’ll learn how to make sure your website or blog stands out and can be found. While I won't be teaching you how to build a website – you will receive a resource pack filled with FREE trainings online. 

I’ll even give you the ins and outs of which platform(s) to use and which to ignore for now.

You will create your Content Pillars, which will communicate your unique value to people AND have your “to-do” list streamlined to include only what matters for your success

Module Three: YOUR FUEL

You will create your Lead Magnet, which will be designed intentionally to convert subscribers into eventual buyers (no guesswork or throwing a freebie into the wind).

You know who you are serving, you have an online presence where people can find you and read your amazing content. Now it is time to nurture your email list of people who love hearing from you. I will show you all the ways you can do that.

What is a “funnel” and when do you need it? In this session, we will look at the power of a funnel in generating a constant stream of revenue.

This is where the magic happens and you can create raving fans – through the power of a nurture sequence and a weekly or bi-weekly email series. I am showing you my secret formula. 


The only way to grow your online business is by driving traffic to your lead magnet. How do you do that?  Most people think social media is the only way. But it is only a small part of the system. In fact, Fairy Dust Teaching has never relied on social media. Learn our secrets in this powerful final, eye-opening  session.

You will create your Content Map and Social Media Strategy, which will give you a clear path to growing your platform of interested prospects – which is the critical first step to having buyers and creating a thriving online business.

Learn how and when to use paid ads. Plus, I will share my resource pack of free online trainings on how to do paid ads.

In our last lesson together, we’ll review the entire journey you’ve just taken. And why keeping fresh traffic flowing to your site is critical for growth.



You'll receive deep-dive supplemental lessons in transformational business and leadership concepts from renowned healer and executive coach John Wyrick. These are absolutely mind-blowing, don't-miss trainings!


John Wyrick was born on Valentine's Day 1951. He became a Chiropractor after graduating from Cleveland Chiropractic College in 1977. Early in his career he taught many classes in meditation, Tai Chi, Sufism and kinesthesiology (muscle testing). He had a pioneering spirit as a Chiropractor working in Road Town, Tortola in the British Virgin Islands in the late 70s.  

In 1984 he discovered a system of healing that is able to free patients from destructive life patterns and create profound transformation in their lives. He calls his work Nirodha Karma Healing. For nearly 40 years he has worked with thousands of clients from all walks of life and business, performing over 20,000 private sessions as both a healer and an executive coach. Today, he teaches his work to aspiring students at his Karma School. 

He lives in Tulsa, OK with Sally Haughey, who is the founder and CEO of Wunderled (formerly Fairy Dust Teaching) and, most importantly, the love of his life.


I may never offer this bonus again! Get all your questions and wonderings answered.  Live coaching is priceless, and even more so when offered by an educator-turned-entrepreneur with 14+ years of hands-on experience.

This is also a prime opportunity for you if you're already online and struggling to meet your revenue goals. I can help you get clarity and define those profit-generating ideas that are going to move the needle for you.

Plus, John Wyrick will be on these sessions with me, adding in rich layers of transformational coaching and helping you shift your mind and energy to support your ultimate success.

We will meet on Zoom over four sessions, from 12 PM to 1:30 PM CST:

July 27, 2024

August 11, 2024

August 24, 2024

September 8, 2024

New Bonuses!

Your Business Eco-System

In this workshop you will create a map of your business eco-system that will guide you in every decision of your online business.

Your Content Core

Recently, I learned the most amazing method of developing your core content pillars. I will guide you step by step in developing one of the most amazing tools for your business.

Your Thought Leadership

Finally, how do you claim your thought leadership. In a workshop I attended this last year, I learned what the essential elements were and how to establish yourself. I will guide you in designing your thought leadership.

Hi, I’m Sally Haughey!

I’m the Founder and CEO of Wunderled, also known as Fairy Dust Teaching. I started Fairy Dust Teaching in 2010, originally as a blog documenting my experience in the classroom. Through much trial and error (and lots of money down the drain from business courses that were often more hype than help!) I have grown Fairy Dust Teaching into a 7-figure business that serves Early Childhood Educators in over 120 countries.

I would not have considered myself a “businessperson” when I started in Tulsa, Oklahoma typing away on my couch. I never dreamed my humble blog would grow into a global community where I get to serve incredible humans up to some of the most important work out there. And I didn’t start with any extra funding – I was on a teacher’s salary, and all I had was vision and commitment!

It took a lot of determination to cut through all of the clutter and hype of the online business world and chart a course for myself as I began to see how my ideas and experience could help others in a bigger way. That’s why I’m passionate about offering the guidance and structure I lacked in the early days, because there’s no reason anyone else should have to stumble their way over rocky terrain – when they can have a clear map instead!

I’m beyond excited to be your guide through this adventure. Oh, on a personal note: I’m a proud momma of 3 grown children, an artist, and a Francophile who lived in Paris for 3 years. My morning ritual always begins with a warm cup of coffee, and my guilty pleasure includes a night at the movies with my beloved. I can’t wait to meet you and learn about you and your vision for your business and life!

Your online business is waiting for you in 2024

This is a comprehensive yet simple training system that will save you YEARS of trial and error, hand you the clearest path to success in your online business, and get you started having the true impact you're meant for, without all the frustration.


$ 997 USD
  • 4 powerful video modules
  • 16 concise video lessons
  • Free business-boosting resources
  • Bonus LIVE Q&A sessions
  • Lifetime access to all of the content!


$ 249
for 4 months
  • 4 powerful video modules
  • 16 concise video lessons
  • Free business-boosting resources
  • Bonus LIVE Q&A sessions
  • Lifetime access to all of the content!

My "make a difference" guarantee.

This training is more than something to consume and put on the shelf. If you're sincerely interested in having a thriving online business, it will transform your life.

In fact, I'm so convinced that it will make a significant difference in your ability to create or grow your online business that I'm backing it up with a FULL 30-DAY guarantee.

Sign up for the training. Go through all of the modules. Come to our live sessions and get personal help from me.

If after 30 days, you don't think this is one of the BEST decisions you have ever made to make that dream in your heart a reality – or grow your business to the next level – just email my team at, demonstrate that you've shown up for the work, and we'll happily issue you a prompt refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

Great question! You do NOT need to attend any live sessions to complete this training. While the video modules will be released according to the schedule below, once they are released you will have on-demand, 24/7 lifetime access to all of the trainings, so you can work through them at your own pace.

Module 1 – July 15 
Module 2 – July 29
Module 3 – August 12
Module 4 – August 26

Yes! If you want to save yourself a whole lot of time trying to piece together strategies based on what you see other people doing… and just get straight to what actually works, this is the perfect place for you.

As with everything I create, this course is based on facts, data, and results – not the status quo. In the online world, it’s easy to get pulled down a rabbit hole and into shiny object syndrome.

I won’t let that happen here. Let me help you turn that idea into a brilliant reality by providing you with a concise yet comprehensive map that shows you exactly what to do, in what order, so you can cut out all the fluff and begin having a profitable, impactful business.

Absolutely! It is important to reassess your business and to fine tune at every stage. I've never stopped seeking training, support, and mentoring myself – and I believe a lot of my success has come down to being humble enough to know that we are ALL both teacher and student, all our lives.

If you are an established business owner, you will gain renewed passion and focus as you move through this program. And if your business isn’t quite where you’d like it to be, you’ll have me in your back pocket to help change that.

Come to the live sessions for personal mentoring, or just be inspired by the ideas and examples I'll offer in the self-paced training. Or both! There is something for you here, no matter where in your business journey you find yourself.


If, for any reason, you do not receive your receipt after making your purchase, please email us at and we will be happy to help!